DeLeon Springs
Community Association, Inc.
a 501(c)(3) organization
"Shaping the Future, Preserving the Past"
We help our community members in need through our Annual Backpack Drive, Annual Thanksgiving Baskets, Holiday Warm Pullover and Jacket Drive, and monthly Malloy Head Start Food Pantry.
We aid our troops through collecting coupons for “TroopOns" Coupons for Soldiers”, and by collecting used phones and accessories for the "Cell Phones for Soldiers" phone recycling program.
We have an ongoing partnership with the Volusia Sheriff’s Office to reduce crime. We have increased neighborhood involvement and crime prevention awareness through the "See something? Say something!" cooperative approach to take back our community's safety and peaceful enjoyment.
Our Annual DSCA, Inc. Merit Scholarship is awarded each year to worthy DeLeon Springs area high school students to further their education toward a brighter future in the post secondary realm. To date we have given out $11,400 in scholarship funds, all from DSCA, Inc. and community member donations.
We have increased the community’s awareness of recycling opportunities and promote participation in recycling to clean up our community and reduce electronics and other recyclables in the landfills.
We keep our community abreast of FDEP regulations for protecting water quality in our springshed basin to comply with the FDEP Basin Management Action Plan, (BMAP) and the latest requirements for living within them.
We coordinated with McInnis Elementary School and FDOT to implement safety changes including additional markings, reduced speed, traffic signalization and extension of the northbound School Zone, for student safety.
We coordinated with FDOT for safety modifications to US Hwy. 17 medians from 15A to Ponce DeLeon Blvd. We advocated with FDOT for four laning US Hwy. 17 to Lake Winona Rd. with a roundabout at Spring Garden Ranch Rd. to reduce speed and increase safety. We advocated for a traffic signal that will be installed at the intersection of Baxter Ave., Ponce DeLeon Blvd. and US Hwy. 17, increasing safety in that area.
We worked with the FDEP and Volusia County to procure two grants to bring water and wastewater lines to our business corridor so our ‘downtown’ businesses can thrive, providing jobs for our citizens while protecting our Spring from further pollution.
We worked with Volusia County to create a District Overlay in the 'downtown' area, which implemented B-4 zoning and reduced setback requirements, bringing flexibility of usage to current businesses and encouraging economic growth by attracting additional businesses.
We conducted public meetings and worked with Volusia County to eliminate split zoning that existed on most parcels fronting the U.S. Hwy. 17 corridor, providing more economic potential and flexibility for existing commercial properties, a first for unincorporated areas.
We worked with the FDEP and Volusia County to create two Brownfield Area Designations to enhance economic opportunities. LEAD 1 (Local Economic Advancement District 1) is in the ‘downtown’ area and LEAD 2 is in the area of N. U.S. Hwy. 17 and Lake Winona Rd.
We communicate FDOT U.S. Hwy. 17 widening updates and share local road and bridge construction information to help reduce travel inconvenience for those that travel these local roads for school, work and activities.
We met with FDOT and Volusia County staff to discuss and encourage segmenting the Hwy 17 to SR 40 widening project. As a result, FDOT agreed to prioritize "Segment 1" construction of the section of US Hwy. 17 from McInnis Elementary School to Lake Winona Rd. This will include a roundabout at the Spring Garden Ave. and Spring Garden Ranch Rd. intersection, and continue the St. Johns River-to-Sea-Loop SUN (Shared Use Nonmotorized) Trail associated with it, increasing auto safety at the intersection, and allow non-motorized traffic safer travel across US Hwy 17.
We continue to promote our DSCA, Inc. business members by featuring them in the quarterly DeLeon Dispatch Newsletter and communicating their business events and activities via our extensive e-mail network and on social media.
Our annual reading incentive program, “The Ride Into Reading Third Grade Challenge” is in its 12th year of awarding new bicycles and helmets to the top scoring boy and girl at McInnis Elementary School in this program we created to increase reading proficiency while getting kids outside to exercise. We also award monthly gift cards to the most improved readers. To date, we have awarded 25 bicycles to students to sharpen reading skills while providing bicycles for fun and recreation.
We helped coordinate the DeLeon Springs Trail Ribbon Cutting (part of the St. Johns River-to-Sea-Loop) ceremony with Volusia County. The event included a trail ride. Organizations such as the St. John’s River to Sea Loop Alliance, River to Sea TPO and Volusia County Parks and Rec hosted booths with refreshments to celebrate this milestone.
We communicate Florida Fish and Wildlife information regarding manatee issues, bear awareness, etc. so we can all play safely on land and enjoy waterways too, while protecting the environment we love and respecting our unique wildlife and their habitats.
DeLeon Springs is home to the renown Chuck Lennon Park Mountain Biking Trails, consistently ranked in the top five to 10 mountain biking trails in the State of Florida.
We coordinated with Volusia County Parks and Recreation to create the Chuck Lennon Park Hiking Trail with the goal of a walking trail loop of approximately one mile for quiet enjoyment of nature and to keep walkers safely off mountain biking trails.
We raised funds to purchase and install a kayak launcher at DeLeon Springs State Park that now offers kayakers a safer way to launch kayaks and return to the dock with ease.
We advocated with FDOT for a roundabout at U.S. Hwy. 17, Spring Garden Ave. and Spring Garden Ranch Rd. that will extend the DeLeon Springs Trail, (part of the 260 mile River-to-Sea-Loop) from the west to the east side of the highway and northward, with a Trailhead to be built at that intersection.
We advocated with Volusia County to refurbish Hester Park's tennis court to include restriping for a duel pickleball court.
DeLeon Springs Community Association, Inc.
Monthly Meetings
Our dynamic group of community members meets the second Tuesday of each month.
Monthly General Meetings are open to the public.
6:00 p.m.
"Spring Garden Park"
150 Spring Garden Ranch Rd., DeLeon Springs
Corner of US Hwy. 17 and Spring Garden Ranch Rd.
Visitors are always welcome to attend to provide comments, share concerns and come hear about all the ways our members are
“Shaping the Future, Preserving the Past”!
DSCA, Inc. Meeting and Events Dates for 2025:
January 21: DSCA, Inc. Annual Visioning Meeting
February 11: DSCA, Inc. General Meeting
March 11: DSCA, Inc. General Meeting
April 8: DSCA, Inc. General Meeting
May 13: DSCA, Inc. General Meeting
August 12: 14th Birthday Celebration
September 9: DSCA, Inc. General Meeting
October 14: DSCA, Inc. General Meeting
November 1: 11th Autumn in the Oaks Art, Music and Crafts Festival, 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.
November 8: Friends of DeLeon Springs State Park DeLeon Dash 5-7, 7:00 a.m.
November 11: DSCA, Inc. General Meeting
December 9: DSCA, Inc. Volunteer Celebration and Warm Clothing and Toys Collection, 6:00 p.m.